Sunday, February 28, 2010

The FITmedia Difference

Gone are the days of the large institution. Yet, it still continues to go through its once productive motions, buying up people's lives where it can, producing nothing but real-life zombies (no pun intended). These "cards" can be traded or terminated at the will of the mother institution, having no real freedom but the choice of reaction to the institution's cannibalistic actions. This choice of reaction is subject to the individual's attitude, which is in large part influenced by his intellectual diet, or lack thereof. Therefore, a diet of liberating and enlightening media would produce positive responses even to negative stimuli. And the total exclusion of limiting and disheartening media would change the zombie-esque "reactive" mentality into a spiritually vibrant "proactive" mentality.

Media is the source of many, if not all, of our cultural "instincts." The Media is, in itself, a large institution. As such, it is a friend and promoter of other large institutions by proxy. While it may glad-handle small business concerns in an effort to appear gregarious with the little guy, its high-aim is always to consolidate power and grow as a whole, rather than to enable its constituent cells to grow individually and then be dependent upon their donation of power to the central agency. Big institutional propaganda flows out to the masses, its effect is one which subsidizes the thought that big institutions are inherently good, despite the growing feeling that they have become largely dishonest.

In his book, The Coming Aristocracy, Oliver DeMille (Liberal Arts educator and founder of George Wythe College) discusses the concept of "mini factories." He defines it this way: "A mini-factory is anything someone does—alone or with partners or a team—that accomplishes what has historically (meaning the last 150 years of modernism) been done en masse or by big institutions." It is a process of individuals operating independently and with initiative because they care more and perform better for themselves and their families/communities than for a large, impersonal institution. These individuals and small groups can then share best practices through free-association.

At FITmedia, we want to enable mini-factories by hosting this free-association. As an institution, we will grow only as large as is necessary to effectively improve the whole, but never through controlling the whole. Because we believe in free-association and the sharing of best practices, we are a learning organization, seeking as much to understand the needs of the media creators and marketers we represent as to help them understand why certain practices work better than others to improve their respective productivity.

The idea is that the very best products and services are always created by those who are truly independents. Free people always follow their passions, because that is what they are made to do. It is not so much the path of least resistance, as it is the path of greatest motivation. The heights to which a person takes his passion is limited only by the weakness in his structure of action. This weakness is only as great as his ignorance of the truth. To facilitate this trend, FITmedia has made its front line the development of Truth in Fiction, which intends to institute a viral spread of entertainment media which also challenges people to improve themselves—their interest being invested in the speed of this spread.

Individual mini-factory media projects would seek their own funding and sponsorship from financiers and marketers who must of necessity agree with the mini-factory trend. There would be no interest for large organizations to fund these media projects unless they agreed with the truth contained therein. If this is so, then the organization is likely not dishonest.

The consortium of independents created through this process would have an interest in the continued trade of their resources as a part of this community. Loyalty would only be sustained to the degree that the whole consortium (or at least units of a certain size) continue to operate with a spirit of freedom, integrity, and truth.

That is the FITmedia difference.
FEATURED MEDIA: The Coming Aristocracy by Oliver DeMille. An easy to read, but still informatively dense, book about the rising powers of the elites in the upper class. DeMille succinctly lays out how the conflict is not "liberal" vs. "conservative," but independent vs. aristocratic. A must read for any free-thinker and a great place to start if you don't think you are.

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